- Services
- Arrangement of management accounting and reporting
- Arrangement of bookkeeping and tax accounting
- Budget modeling
- Preparation and consolidation of financial statements in accordance with the international reporting standards (IFRS, US GAAP) and corporate procedures
- Arrangement and optimization of business processes
- Corporate structure optimization
- Analysis of the potential of development of business products and services
- Assessment of investment opportunities of business projects, business plan development, technical and economic assessment
- Financial analysis and modeling
- Due Diligence
- Solutions
- Experience
- Services
- Services
- Comprehensive automation of management accounting
- Development and implementation of specialized information systems
- Comprehensive automation of operative accounting
- Automation of tariff calculation and control for public utilities companies
- Arrangement and automation of banking products
- Automation of corporate document flow
- Integration and migration of information systems
- IT projects management
- Gathering and analysis of business requirements to IT solutions
- Assessment and selection of IT solutions
- Development of IT strategy
- Consulting and IT audit
- Telecommunication audit and communications system
- Solutions
- Experience
- Services
IT Audit
- Services
- Audit of IFRS financial statements
- RAS audit of financial statements, bookkeeping and taxation
- Consulting services and methodological support
- Outsourcing bookkeeping and tax accounting in compliance with the Russian standards
- Analysis of economic feasibility of expenses included into tariff calculation at public utility companies
- Solutions
- Experience
- HomeIPoint
- Services
Within the framework of the area of Audit, IDelync’s experts perform independent assessment in all areas of Client’s interest taking into consideration users of all levels: owners, managers, other data users. In our business, we believe that we must provide the client with comprehensive and objective information allowing to adequately assess the condition of a business, and take decisions on its basis.
- Audit of IFRS financial statements
Audit of financial statements is conducted for the purpose of submitting opinions on faithfulness of financial statements to regulatory authorities (Russian, foreign and international) as well as to owners and investors. IDelync provides the full range of services of audit of financial statements, prepared in compliance with national (RAS) or international financial reporting standards (IFRS, US GAAP), to organizations and individual businessmen.
Audit may be held on the grounds of statutory requirements (compulsory audit) or it may be initiated by the company itself (initiative audit).
Our approach to conducting audit includes the following:
Understanding the circumstances of carrying out financial and operating activities in which the audited company operates, the objectives and problems in the course of organization of management process;
Identification of business risks inherent to the audited company as well as analysis of managerial actions aimed at monitoring and minimization of these risks.
This kind of approach is based on the fact that in most cases business risks influence financial statements to a significant extent. Thus, by analyzing these risks, we can conduct audit procedures in the most efficient manner and at the same time contribute to improvement of results of activities of the audited company.
- RAS audit of financial statements, bookkeeping and taxation
Audit of financial statements is conducted for the purpose of submitting opinions on faithfulness of financial statements to regulatory authorities (Russian, foreign and international) as well as to owners and investors.
IDelync provides the full range of services of audit of financial statements, prepared in compliance with national (RAS) or international financial reporting standards (IFRS, US GAAP), to organizations and individual businessmen.
Audit may be held on the grounds of legal requirements (compulsory audit) or it may be initiated by the company itself (initiative audit).
Our approach to conducting audit includes the following:
Understanding of the circumstances of performing financial and operating activities, in which the audited company operates, objectives and problems in the course of organization of management process;
Identification of business risks, inherent to the audited company as well as analysis of managerial actions aimed at monitoring and minimization of these risks.
This kind of approach is based on the fact that in most cases business risks influence financial statements to a significant extent. Thus, by analyzing these risks, we can conduct audit procedures in the most efficient manner and at the same time contribute to improvement of results of activities of the audited company.
- Consulting services and methodological support
The need for consultations on issues of tax accounting and bookkeeping may from time to time arise at any enterprise. As experience shows, an extremely critical need for consultations is felt during the period of preparation of financial and tax accounts as well as when it is necessary to ensure reflection of non-typical for the enterprise (nonrecurrent) business transactions in the accounts.
IDelync gives consultations in any format convenient to the Client:
orally over the telephone;
orally, visiting Client’s office;
in writing by email;
in writing: the answer is certified by the auditor’s personal signature, signature of the management and the company’s seal.
- Outsourcing bookkeeping and tax accounting in compliance with the Russian standards
The head of any company has to organize maintenance of the accounts of the enterprise that he is head of. Pursuant to Federal Law “About bookkeeping”, the function of maintaining bookkeeping and tax accounting may be transferred to a specialized organization. IDelync Audit provides adequate professional service of complete and/or partial maintenance of bookkeeping and tax accounting of different types of companies in different sectors of business.
We ensure correct maintenance of ledgers of a Client’s bookkeeping and tax accounting during the whole period of service. Moreover, IDelync offers the Client’s staff training in correct execution of source documents as well as in skills of correct reflection of accounting data in the information accounting system. In addition, the check of correspondence of these documents with the legislation and ensuring their safekeeping are a compulsory procedure.
By authorizing IDelync to maintain financial documentation, the Client receives additional time and opportunities for developing business. Moreover, the aggregate expenses for keeping an accounting department (which may include the following) decrease: equipping the workplace, recruiting and employment of a chartered accountant, fees for seminars and consultations for auditors, buying bookkeeping software and legal reference systems.
Our work results in preparation, timely submission and defending your Company’s tax and financial statements at the tax office and other regulatory bodies, as well as representation and protection of your interests in them.There are different options of your Company’s cooperation with IDelync:
The option of comprehensive maintenance of bookkeeping – the whole of bookkeeping and tax accounting, ranging from processing source documents to preparation and submission of monthly, quarterly and yearly financial and tax statements, is maintained my IDelync’s experts.
The option of partial maintenance of bookkeeping – this option suggests that IDelync’s experts will perform all the work as to your Company’s bookkeeping using a well-proven technology, while at the same time your chief accountant will have a chance to control the process of bookkeeping maintenance and preparation of financial statements and tax accounts, analyze the received information and focus on actual needs of the Company. Or the other way round – the staff of your accounting department take care of accounting and processing source documents while IDelync’s experts perform the overall control of the Company’s accounting department operations, preparation of regulated financial statements.
- Analysis of economic feasibility of expenses included into tariff calculation at public utility companies
Nowadays the main method used for tariff calculation at water and heat public utilities, is that of economically justified expenses. The important issue, which requires additional analysis, is the fact of admission of the expenses incurred as economically justified for producing the relevant service.
In the course of analysis IDelync performs the following tasks:
Сonducting a comprehensive analysis of economic feasibility of expenses included into the tariffs and analysis of algorithms of calculation of the latter in accordance with the methods which take into account the results of analysis of developments of financial and economic indicators of activity of regulated subjects.
Consultations of experts of heat and power companies and improvement of their qualifications on the basis of modern information technologies.
In the course of realization of projects in this area, IDelync analyzed existing difficulties arising during tariff calculation, which allows to take into account the most complicated / disputable issues during analysis.
Additionally, IDelync’s experts can provide consultations and methodological assistance during defense of tariffs before regulatory bodies.
- Housing and communal Services
- Assistance in preparation of IFRS consolidated financial statements and audit, OAO "Yugorskaya Territorial Energy Company"
IDelync is currently providing IFRS accounting support to OAO "Yugorskaya Territorial Energy Company", which is a participant in an EBRD investment project. IDelync is assisting the company in preparation of IFRS consolidated interim financial statements, carries out annual audit of the IFRS consolidated financial statements and provide advice on improvements in financial management procedures required to implement recommendations and comments of IFRS annual audit reports.
- Assistance in preparation of IFRS financial statements and audit, Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Upravleniye Gorodskogo Khoziaistva" of the Municipal Entity City Pyt-Yakh
IDelync is currently providing IFRS accounting support to Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Upravleniye Gorodskogo Khoziaistva" of the Municipal Entity City Pyt-Yakh, which is a participant in an EBRD investment project. IDelync is assisting the company in preparation of IFRS financial statements, carries out annual audit of the IFRS consolidated financial statements and provide advice on improvements in financial management procedures required to implement recommendations and comments of IFRS annual audit reports.
- Public-private partnership for Rostov-on-Don water and wastewater utility, Rostov-on-Don City Administration
The overall objective was to improve financial and operational performance of the water services utility in Rostov-on-Don by involving the private sector. The specific objective of the assignment was to assist the Rostov-on-Don City Administration select a private operator to manage and operate the utility. The work involved setting the strategic objectives for the partnership, defining the requirements and selection criteria for a private operator, and managing the procurement process. Potential partners were identified and assessed against the selection criteria, and a preferred bidder chosen to submit a detailed proposal. Branan evaluated the proposal in terms of its strategic concept, social impact, commercial and legal arrangements, management systems and financial model. The evaluation provided the basis for successful contract negotiations.
- Assistance in preparation of IFRS consolidated financial statements and audit, OAO "Yugorskaya Territorial Energy Company"
- Metallurgical engineering
- Preparation of financial statements in accordance with the IFRS and company support during the process of audit for Donetsk Electrometallurgical Factory Stock Company, Ukraine
Donetsk Electrometallurgical Factory Stock Company (further referred to as DEMF or the Company) is one of the biggest producers of metal products with modern equipment allowing to produce 1,5 M tons of melted steel. The main product exported to more than 30 countries around the world is rolled metal products of square and round cross-section.
The Consultant was invited by the Company to assist in preparation of IFRS statements, evaluation of possibility of automation of preparation of the IFRS reporting package and the reporting package for the parent company.
Considering the fact that the IFRS financial statements were prepared for the first time, IBR experts prepared the accounting policy of the Company in accordance with the IFRS requirements. Since the Company had had previous experience of preparation of financial statements in accordance with US GAAP, models of preparation of these statements, transformation amendments and practical experience in keeping records in accordance with the Ukrainian standards in the SAP R/3 information system. Upon this a transformation model was built for preparation of IFRS financial statements taking into consideration the requirements to disclose the information to the parent company. Besides, IBR experts coordinated the work of the Company’s employees during assessment of the fixed assets and other external experts to prepare and conduct audit of financial statements.
The results of works performed by the IBR experts:
1. IFRS statements prepared as of 31.12.2008 and 31.12.2009;
2. reporting package prepared for the parent company;
3. IFRS statements audited by one of the Big Four firms.As to IT, the Consultant analyzed the current state of accounting process automation. IFRS Accounting is not set up and not kept in SAP R/3. The Consultant suggested several options of IT development in order to ensure that management accounting is kept in line with the IFRS principles and analytical management accounting.
- Preparation of financial statements in accordance with the IFRS and company support during the process of audit for Donetsk Electrometallurgical Factory Stock Company, Ukraine